Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to shutdown your computer with sending a email or SMS

User can shutdown, restart, hibernate, etc. his or her computer using this method just by sending an email from his or her phone.

To do this, all you will need is Microsoft Outlook which should come with Microsoft Office, which most people have. This will need to be on the computer wish you wish to shutdown.

So, this is how you do this >>

1. First, you need the batch files to perform the Shutdown, Hibernate etc. You can write them down yourselves

2. open your note pad

and write like this...

c:\windows\system32\shutdown -s -f -t 00

and save it as shutdown.bat

3. Open up Microsoft Outlook. Make sure that you have already configured it for your email.Now we will need to make it so that Outlook checks your inbox about every minute (1 minute for testing time can be increased if a delayed shutdown is desired). You can do this by going to Tools > Options.

4. Then click the Mail Setup tab, and afterwards, the Send/Receive button.

5. Make sure that the Schedule an automatic send/receive every box is checked, and set the number of minutes to one. Now you may close all of these dialog boxes.

6. Now go to Tools: Rules and Alerts... Next click the options button in the upper right hand corner and press the Import Rules button.

7. Now select the shutdown.bat file which you have created ...

8. Now, when you send a message from your phone to your e-mail address with the subject shutdown or smsshutdown%%, your computer will shutdown.


  1. I think it will be helpful for me.Specially when my pc will be stacked due to some reason.Then i can use this method.From where you can learn this thing.However thanks for sharing for such a nice thing.Waiting for your this kind of posting.

  2. it's very nice info thank you :). But i wanna ask to you, if i change or modify the system file, is it dangerous for computer system?, thank you :).

  3. Wow that is very helpfull for me. I forgot the pc turn on all the time. Tnx

  4. it is a great way to shutdown my computer, thanks for sharing this information

  5. Its very good idea... Since most of people are working in a busy manner, its very important to maintain or control own PC using a method like this. In case, if somebody accidentally forgot to Turn off the PC, this could be used in a safe way and no need to be concerned.

  6. What's a creative trick! I really love it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. hey.. that is nice idea. that is very useful for me. thank you for posting..

  9. it's very nice info thank you :). But i wanna ask to you, if i change or modify the system file, is it dangerous for computer system?, thank you :).

  10. I never even knew this is possible! Great post!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. this article is great. thanks a lot for it!

  13. This is good to know. I should try it.

  14. my friend jake needs this thing .. i dont need much of cell phone in my daily routine .. i will pass this blog address to my friend jake.

  15. This article is very informative I will definitely try this. I can't believe that just a single sms you can shut down your computer in an instant. I'll tell my friends about this trick. Thanks.
